Location: Vilnius
Year: xxxx
Area: xxx m2
From generation to generation, architecture transmits certain information-cultural code, so the discovered archaeological findings are an important tool for getting to know the city. In order to preserve links with the past, synergy between history and modern architecture is necessary. We aim for both periods to be felt here and now by combining the new and the old, creating additional architectural value by giving it distinctiveness on a large scale. We are very purposeful in drawing a clear line between periods and subtly used details to wrap everything into a seamless whole. History and contact with it is associated with museums, so we see modern art galleries and the works of art exhibited in them as counterweights and connections. If we treat the archaeological findings as art of those times, the connection is a modern sculpture installation. An exclusive and authentic atmosphere is created by leaving some of the findings completely uncovered, as if we are traveling on a bridge over the past. The proposed materiality and technologies are such that the choice of performance technique to fulfill the idea could be made depending on the budget. Let us say that the flooring can be made of polished concrete and stone mass tiles, and we can use tiles or clay plaster for the walls.